• What is Point God Academy?

    Point God Academy is a youth sports program dedicated to supporting youth sports training, education, and community building. Our mission is centered around building youth confidence and character through sports and leadership development.

  • Why is the program called Point God Academy?

    The name "Point God Academy" is derived from sports terminology, specifically from basketball. In basketball, the Point Guard position is considered a leader on the court, responsible for setting the pace of the game, making strategic decisions, and leading the team. The program aims to instill leadership qualities inspired by the strength and leadership of the Point Guard position.

  • What are the core values of Point God Academy?

    At Point God Academy, we prioritize building youth confidence and character through sports training, education, and community building. Our core values include leadership, teamwork, resilience, mental toughness, discipline, and communication.

  • How does Point God Academy support youth development?

    Point God Academy helps young people develop important life skills through team sports and play. Lessons from sports training and the joy of play teach kids everyday skills such as goal setting, time management, leadership, resilience, mental toughness, discipline, and communication, which are essential for personal and academic success.

  • Is Point God Academy affiliated with any specific sport?

    No, Point God Academy is not affiliated with any specific sport. While the program draws inspiration from basketball terminology, such as the Point Guard position, our focus is on providing sports training and leadership development experience for young athletes across various sports disciplines.

  • How does Point God Academy contribute to community building?

    Point God Academy contributes to community building by providing a positive and structured environment for young athletes to develop important life skills, leadership qualities, and confidence. By promoting teamwork, discipline, and resilience through sports training and education, the program helps shape future leaders and contributors to the community.

  • How can I support Point God Academy's mission?

    You can support Point God Academy's mission by considering donating, volunteering your time and expertise, or spreading awareness about the program within the community. Your support helps empower young athletes and positively impacts their lives both on and off the court.