Make a donation.

You should donate to Point God Academy (PGA) because it fosters youth development, community building, and life skills education. Your donation supports the personal growth of future leaders, creates a sense of belonging, and equips young athletes with essential life skills like teamwork and resilience. Donations to PGA ensure equal opportunities for all children, regardless of their background, promoting equity in youth sports. Your contributions directly impact the lives of young athletes by providing resources such as jerseys, shoes, and program costs, enabling them to excel in their chosen sport. Ultimately, donating to PGA is an investment in empowering young individuals to succeed and become leaders in their communities.


Let’s work together

Interested in volunteering ? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!

Would you like to become a sponsor?

Consider becoming a sponsor for Point God Academy (PGA) to actively participate in shaping a brighter future for your community. By supporting PGA, you play a pivotal role in fostering youth development and empowerment, thereby making a tangible difference in society. Your sponsorship not only amplifies your brand's visibility but also connects you with a diverse audience ranging from parents to aspiring athletes and community members.

Sponsoring PGA reflects your corporate commitment to social responsibility by investing in the leaders of tomorrow. If your company values initiatives that promote youth development, equality, and community engagement, aligning with PGA resonates deeply with your core principles. Moreover, sponsoring PGA opens avenues for networking with individuals and organizations who share your enthusiasm for youth sports and education.

Your sponsorship is not merely a financial contribution but a catalyst for the sustained success of PGA. It ensures that young athletes receive top-tier sports training and educational opportunities, paving the way for their long-term growth and achievement. By investing in PGA, you are investing in the future, leaving a lasting impact on the lives of young athletes and their communities.

Join us in championing the cause of youth empowerment and community development by becoming a sponsor for Point God Academy. Together, let's build a brighter tomorrow for generations to come.

Sponsorship Levels Include:

Platinum - $5,000 and above:

  • Year-round advertisement on the website and all event flyers

  • Logo placement on apparel

  • A reserved table at the Annual Holiday Ball (10 Tickets)

Gold - $2,500 and above:

  • Year-round advertisement on the website and all event flyers

  • A reserved table at the Annual Holiday Ball (10 Tickets)

Silver - $500 and above:

  • Year-round advertisement on the website and all event flyers

Bronze - $100 and above:

  • Year-round advertisement on the website

Become a Sponsor